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26. ビームスライダー



# beam_slider.mbd

# [Data Block]

begin: data;
   problem: initial value;
end: data;

# [<Problem> Block]

begin: initial value;
   initial time:   0.;
   final time:     9.;
   time step:      1.e-3;
   max iterations: 100;
   tolerance:      1.e-6;
   derivatives tolerance:      1.e-3;
   derivatives max iterations: 100;
end: initial value;

# Design Variables
set: real m_Rod    = 1.;   #[kg]    Mass of the rod
set: real L_Rod    = 2.0;  #[m]     Length of the rod
set: real m_Head   = 5.;   #[kg]    Mass of the head
set: real I_Head   = 0.01; #[kgm^2] Moment of inertia of the head
set: real X_Slider = 0.5;  #[m]     X position of the slider

set: real EA  = 1.e5;  #[N]    Beam stiffness of the rod
set: real GAy = 0.6e5; #[N]    Beam stiffness of the rod
set: real GAz = 0.6e5; #[N]    Beam stiffness of the rod
set: real GJ  = 2.e2;  #[Nm^2] Beam stiffness of the rod
set: real EJy = 2.e2;  #[Nm^2] Beam stiffness of the rod
set: real EJz = 1.e3;  #[Nm^2] Beam stiffness of the rod

set: real viscos_factor = 0.05; # Proportional viscosity factor of the rod

set: real N = 5; # Number of beams for the rod

# [Control Data Block]

begin: control data;
   output meter: meter, 0., forever, steps, 10;
   structural nodes: 1
   rigid bodies:     1
   joints:           3;
   beams:            N;
end: control data;

# Node Labels
set: integer NoSta_Ground      = 1;
set: integer NoDyn_RodElem_1st = 101;
set: integer NoDyn_RodElem_curr;
set: integer NoDyn_RodElem_end = (NoDyn_RodElem_1st-1)+2*N+1;

# Body Labels
set: integer Body_Head = 1;
set: integer Body_RodElem_curr;

# Joint Labels
set: integer JoClamp_Ground     = 1; # Clamp
set: integer JoTotp_RodElem_1st = 2; # Total pin joint
set: integer JoBmSld_Ground_Rod = 3; # Beam slider

# Beam Labels
set: integer Beam_RodElem_curr;

# Index
set: integer Index;

# Intermediate Variables
set: real m_RodElem = m_Rod/N/2.;
set: real L_RodElem = L_Rod/N/2.;
set: real I_RodElem = m_RodElem*L_RodElem^2/12.;

set: real m_RodElemEnd = m_RodElem/2.;
set: real L_RodElemEnd = L_RodElem/2.;
set: real I_RodElemEnd = m_RodElemEnd*L_RodElemEnd^2/12.;

# [Nodes Block]

begin: nodes;

   # Structural Nodes
   structural: NoSta_Ground, static,
      null, # absolute position
      eye,  # absolute orientation
      null, # absolute velocity
      null; # absolute angular velocity
   set: Index = 1;
   include: "node_Rod.sub";
   set: Index = 2;
   include: "node_Rod.sub";
   set: Index = 3;
   include: "node_Rod.sub";
   set: Index = 4;
   include: "node_Rod.sub";
   set: Index = 5;
   include: "node_Rod.sub";
   set: Index = 6;
   include: "node_Rod.sub";
   set: Index = 7;
   include: "node_Rod.sub";
   set: Index = 8;
   include: "node_Rod.sub";
   set: Index = 9;
   include: "node_Rod.sub";
   set: Index = 10;
   include: "node_Rod.sub";
   set: Index = 11;
   include: "node_Rod.sub";
end: nodes;

# [Elements Block]

begin: elements;

   # Bodies  
   body: Body_Head, NoDyn_RodElem_end,
      m_Head,                       # mass
      null,                         # relative center of mass
      diag, I_Head, I_Head, I_Head; # inertia matrix
   set: Index = 1;   
   set: Body_RodElem_curr  = (NoDyn_RodElem_1st-1)+Index;
   set: NoDyn_RodElem_curr = (NoDyn_RodElem_1st-1)+Index;
   body: Body_RodElem_curr, NoDyn_RodElem_curr,
      m_RodElemEnd,                         # mass
      L_RodElemEnd/2., 0., 0.,              # relative center of mass
      diag, 1., I_RodElemEnd, I_RodElemEnd; # inertia matrix
   set: Index = 2;
   include: "body_Rod.sub";
   set: Index = 3;
   include: "body_Rod.sub";
   set: Index = 4;
   include: "body_Rod.sub";
   set: Index = 5;
   include: "body_Rod.sub";
   set: Index = 6;
   include: "body_Rod.sub";
   set: Index = 7;
   include: "body_Rod.sub";
   set: Index = 8;
   include: "body_Rod.sub";
   set: Index = 9;
   include: "body_Rod.sub";
   set: Index = 10;
   include: "body_Rod.sub";
   set: Index = 11;   
   set: Body_RodElem_curr  = (NoDyn_RodElem_1st-1)+Index;
   set: NoDyn_RodElem_curr = (NoDyn_RodElem_1st-1)+Index;
   body: Body_RodElem_curr, NoDyn_RodElem_curr,
      m_RodElem,                            # mass
      -L_RodElemEnd/2., 0., 0.,             # relative center of mass
      diag, 1., I_RodElemEnd, I_RodElemEnd; # inertia matrix
   # Beams
   set: Index = 2;
   include: "beam_Rod.sub";
   set: Index = 4;
   include: "beam_Rod.sub";
   set: Index = 6;
   include: "beam_Rod.sub";
   set: Index = 8;
   include: "beam_Rod.sub";
   set: Index = 10;
   include: "beam_Rod.sub";

   # Joints
   joint: JoClamp_Ground,
            null, # absolute position
            eye;  # absolute orientation
   joint: JoTotp_RodElem_1st,
      total pin joint,
            position, null,            # relative offset
            rotation orientation, eye, # relative rotation orientation
         position constraint,
            active, active, active,
            single, -1., 0., 0., cosine, 1., pi/2., 0.75, forever, 0.,
         orientation constraint,
            active, active, active,

   joint: JoBmSld_Ground_Rod,
      beam slider,
            X_Slider, 0., 0., # relative offset
            hinge, eye,       # relative orientation
         type, classic,
            4,                # beam number
         (NoDyn_RodElem_1st-1)+4, # 3 node beam
            null,                 # first node offset
            null,                 # mid node offset
            null,                 # end node offset
         (NoDyn_RodElem_1st-1)+6, # 3 node beam
            null,                 # first node offset
            null,                 # mid node offset
            null,                 # end node offset
         (NoDyn_RodElem_1st-1)+8, # 3 node beam
            null,                 # first node offset
            null,                 # mid node offset
            null,                 # end node offset
         (NoDyn_RodElem_1st-1)+10, # 3 node beam
            null,                  # first node offset
            null,                  # mid node offset
            null;                  # end node offset

   # Gravity
   gravity: 0., 0., -1., const, 9.81;
end: elements;


# node_Rod.sub

set: NoDyn_RodElem_curr = (NoDyn_RodElem_1st-1)+Index;

structural: NoDyn_RodElem_curr, dynamic,
   (Index-1)*L_RodElem, 0., 0., # absolute position
   eye,                         # absolute orientation
   null,                        # absolute velocity
   null;                        # absolute angular velocity

# body_Rod.sub

set: Body_RodElem_curr  = (NoDyn_RodElem_1st-1)+Index;
set: NoDyn_RodElem_curr = (NoDyn_RodElem_1st-1)+Index;
body: Body_RodElem_curr, NoDyn_RodElem_curr,
   m_RodElem,                      # mass
   null,                           # relative center of mass
   diag, 1., I_RodElem, I_RodElem; # inertia matrix

# beam_Rod.sub

set: Beam_RodElem_curr  = (NoDyn_RodElem_1st-1)+Index;
set: NoDyn_RodElem_curr = (NoDyn_RodElem_1st-1)+Index;

# Beams
beam3: Beam_RodElem_curr,
      null,            # relative offset
      null,            # relative offset
      null,            # relative offset
   eye,                                 # orientation matrix section I
   linear viscoelastic generic,         # constitutive law section I
      diag, EA, GAy, GAz, GJ, EJy, EJz,    # stiffness
      proportional, viscos_factor,         # proportional viscosity factor
   same,                                # orientation matrix section II
   same;                                # constitutive law section II