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MBDyn Examples

2. Free-Rotating Block




Input File

# free_rotating_block.mbd

begin: data;
   problem: initial value;
end: data;

begin: initial value;
   initial time:   0.;
   final time:     5.;
   time step:      1.e-2;
   max iterations: 10;
   tolerance:      1.e-6;
end: initial value;

begin: control data;
   structural nodes: 1;
   rigid bodies:     1;
end: control data;

# Design Variables
set: real M   = 1.;   # [kg] Mass
set: real Lx  = 0.15; # [m] Width
set: real Ly  = 0.05; # [m] Thickness
set: real Lz  = 0.3;  # [m] Height
set: real Wx0 = 5.;   # [rad/s] Initial angular velocity along x axis
set: real Wy0 = 0.;   # [rad/s] Initial angular velocity along y axis
set: real Wz0 = 5.;   # [rad/s] Initial angular velocity along z axis

set: real Ixx = 1./12.*M*(Ly^2+Lz^2); # [kgm^2] Moment of inertia about x axis
set: real Iyy = 1./12.*M*(Lz^2+Lx^2); # [kgm^2] Moment of inertia about y axis
set: real Izz = 1./12.*M*(Lx^2+Ly^2); # [kgm^2] Moment of inertia about z axis

# Node Labels
set: integer Node_Block = 1;

# Body Labels
set: integer Body_Block = 1;

begin: nodes;
   structural: Node_Block, dynamic,
      0., 0., 0.,    # absolute position
      eye,           # absolute orientation
      null,          # absolute velocity
      Wx0, Wy0, Wz0; # absolute angular velocity
end: nodes;

begin: elements;
   body: Body_Block, Node_Block,
      M,                   # mass
      null,                # relative center of mass
      diag, Ixx, Iyy, Izz; # inertia matrix
end: elements;
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