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MBDyn Examples

21. Spinning Top


Input File

# spinning_top.mbd

# [Data Block]

begin: data;
   problem: initial value;
end: data;

# [<Problem> Block]

begin: initial value;
   initial time:   0.;
   final time:     12;
   time step:      1.e-3;
   max iterations: 10;
   tolerance:      1.e-7;
end: initial value;

# [Control Data Block]

begin: control data;
   output frequency: 10;
   structural nodes: 3;
   rigid bodies:     1;
   joints:           2;
   forces:           3;
end: control data;

# Design Variables
set: real m   = 0.1;    #[kg]     Mass of the top
set: real Ixx = 4.3e-5; #[kg*m^2] Moment of inertia of the top
set: real Iyy = 4.3e-5; #[kg*m^2] Moment of inertia of the top
set: real Izz = 8.0e-5; #[kg*m^2] Moment of inertia of the top
set: real h   = 0.05;   #[m]      Height of the center of mass of the top

set: real Ff = 0.001; #[N] Translational friction
set: real Mf = 0.001; #[Nm] Rotational friction

set: real phi0 = pi/6.;   #[rad]   Initial tilt angle of the top
set: real w0   = 2*pi*30; #[rad/s] Initial spin velocity of the top

# Reference Labels
set: integer Ref_TopTip = 1;

# Node Labels
set: integer NoSta_Ground = 1;
set: integer NoDyn_Top    = 2;
set: integer NoDum_TopTip = 3;

# Body Labels
set: integer Body_Top = 1;

# Joint Labels
set: integer JoClamp_Ground   = 1;
set: integer JoInp_Ground_Top = 2;

# Force Labels
set: integer FoStr_Friction_X = 1;
set: integer FoStr_Friction_Y = 2;
set: integer CoStr_Friction_z = 3;

# Scalar Functions
scalar function: "cubsign",
   cubicspline, do not extrapolate,
      -1.03, -1.00,
      -1.02, -1.00,
      -1.01, -1.00,
      -1.00, -1.00,
       1.00,  1.00,
       1.01,  1.00,
       1.02,  1.00,
       1.03,  1.00;

# References
reference: Ref_TopTip,
   reference, global, null,                # absolute position
   reference, global, euler, 0., phi0, 0., # absolute orientation
   reference, global, null,                # absolute velocity
   reference, global, null;                # absolute angular velocity
# [Nodes Block]

begin: nodes;

   # Nodes
   structural: NoSta_Ground, static,
      null, # absolute position
      eye,  # absolute orientation
      null, # absolute velocity
      null; # absolute angular velocity
   structural: NoDyn_Top, dynamic,
      reference, Ref_TopTip, 0., 0., h,  # absolute position
      reference, Ref_TopTip, eye,        # absolute orientation
      reference, Ref_TopTip, null,       # absolute velocity
      reference, Ref_TopTip, 0., 0., w0; # absolute angular velocity
   structural: NoDum_TopTip, dummy, NoDyn_Top,
         reference, Ref_TopTip, null, # relative offset
         reference, Ref_TopTip, eye;  # relative orientation

end: nodes;

# Plugin Variables
set: [node, VX_Tip, NoDum_TopTip, structural, string="XP[1]"];
set: [node, VY_Tip, NoDum_TopTip, structural, string="XP[2]"];
set: [node, w, NoDyn_Top, structural, string="omega[3]"];

# [Elements Block]

begin: elements;

   # Bodies
   body: Body_Top, NoDyn_Top,
      m,                   # mass
      null,                # relative center of mass
      diag, Ixx, Iyy, Izz; # inertia matrix
   # Joints
   joint: JoClamp_Ground,
            null, # absolute position
            eye;  # absolute orientation
   joint: JoInp_Ground_Top,
      in plane,
            null,       # relative plane position
            0., 0., 1., # relative normal direction
            offset, reference, Ref_TopTip, null; # relative offset
   # Forces      
   force: FoStr_Friction_X,
            position, reference, Ref_TopTip, null, # relative arm
         single, 1., 0., 0.,
            string, "-model::sf::cubsign(VX_Tip/0.001)*Ff"; # force value
   force: FoStr_Friction_Y,
            position, reference, Ref_TopTip, null, # relative arm
         single, 0., 1., 0.,
            string, "-model::sf::cubsign(VY_Tip/0.001)*Ff"; # force value
   couple: CoStr_Friction_z,
         single, reference, node, 0., 0., 1.,
            string, "-model::sf::cubsign(w/0.001)*Mf"; # couple value

   # Gravity
   gravity: 0., 0., -1., const, 9.81;
end: elements;
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